Disciplinary commission of the Athletics Federation of Kazakhstan hearing outcome regarding the coaches of the disqualified sportsmen for committing anti-doping violations announced

Disciplinary commission of the Athletics Federation of Kazakhstan hearing outcome regarding the coaches of the disqualified sportsmen for committing anti-doping violations announced

The Disciplinary panel of the Athletics Federation of Kazakhstan was held on 28th of September.

National Anti-doping committee of Kazakhstan announced the suspension periods for several athletes tested positive for banned substances in 2018 which are:

Yevgeniya Fondushina (Pavlodar region) – 2-year suspension (July 23th, 2018 – July 22th, 2020)

Yuliya Rahmanova (Almaty) – 4-year suspension (June 15th, 2018 – July 14th, 2022)

Alexander Lyah (Karaganda region) – 2-year suspension (July 23th, 2018 – July 22th, 2020)

Veronika Broslavskaya (Pavlodar region) – 4-year suspension (July 31th, 2018 – July 30th, 2022)

Igor Kondratiev (Pavlodar region) – 2-year suspension (July 31th, 2018 – July 30th, 2020)

Toshali Alikulov (Turkistan region) – 4-year suspension (June 12th, 2018 – June 11th, 2022)

The coaches of suspended athletes will also hold the responsibility. According to the explanatory notes provided by the coaches, they severely reprimanded and warned their athletes about violating the anti-doping regulations. Sergey Butin, the coach of Yevgeniya Fondushina, was the only one among seven coaches of the suspended athletes who appeared at the hearing.

Disciplinary commission of the Athletics Federation of Kazakhstan hearing outcome is:

- to accept National Anti-doping committee of Kazakhstan announcements regarding the disqualified sportsmen;

- Athletics Federation of Kazakhstan must take the necessary actions to provide the implementation of the imposed sanctions; disqualified athletes have no rights to perform any sport actions or participate in training camps, international, national, continental and regional competitions;  

- to issue the warning for inadequate control and allowance to violate the anti-doping regulations by their athletes – Yuri Imranov (the coach of Alexander Lyah), Victor Koliev(the coach of Igor Kondratiev), Lubov Gavrilova and Rushaniya Izhbulyakova (the coaches of Alexander Lyah), Alexander Stepankovskiy (the coach of Veronika Broslavskaya), Lubov Nikitenko (the coach of Yuliya Rahmanova). For another positive drug test of their athletes the coaches will be suspended; to issue reprimand for inadequate control and allowance to violate the anti-doping regulations by their athletes – Sergey Butin (the coach of Yevgeniya Fondushina); to reinforce the awareness among athletes for committing anti-drug violations

- following decision shall enter into force since the day of its announcement

- decision of Disciplinary commission may be cancelled in the Appeals commission by participants of the hearing during 7-workday period, by non-participants – from the day the copy of the decision is sent.